Game Instance

Let the games begin


Electronic components, devices and circuits.

Simple solar battery charger

A 3 dollar Arduino project

Temperature compensated charging voltage

for the simple solar battery charger

Simple solar battery charger - PCB design

Using KiCad - the open source Electronics Design Automation Suite

PCB manufacturing

DIY techniques

Nokia 5110 LCD for Arduino

A graphic 84x48 display

The Snake game for Arduino

A Nokia 5110 LCD demo

Digital Oscilloscope

Yet another Arduino application

Festive lights

Transistor Astable Mutivibrator with LEDs

Sorry to interrupt

but this is important


Light sensitive switch

Festive lights

Flippity-flop, what the?


in Arduino Pro Mini clothes

Serial Peripheral Interface

or SPI

Serial Peripheral Interface

the Arduino way

Hall Effect sensor

A3144 switch

Hall Effect current measurement


LCD 1602 Hitachi

a 16 x 2 chars text display

Arduino Audio Controller

A Pulse Width Modulation application

Real-time SPI transmission

For the Arduino PWM Audio Controller

2.4" TFT LCD with Touch and SD Card reader

320x240 16bit NT35702 controller

2.4" TFT LCD NT35702

with STM32F103C8

Simple STM32 Digital Oscilloscope

Another NT35702 TFT display application

Voltage Offset Adjustment with Op Amps

An upgrade for the STM32 Digital Oscilloscope

Happy Easter!

Alien eggs

Simple solar battery charger

using the Atmega328p and one P-Channel MOSFET switching transistor

Off-the-grid plant irrigator

For a self sustained garden

Arduino plant irrigator

For a self sustained garden

Arduino controlled buck converter

A simple step-down voltage regulator

Arduino plant irrigator with bluetooth

An SPP-CA bluetooth remote control application

Simple solar battery charger

Upgrade: replacing the protection diodes with a Schottky

Arduino irrigation system with bluetooth

A remote control application

Game Console on Arduino

First model

Space Invaders game

For the Arduino Game Console

Precise battery cell voltage measurement

Yet another Arduino application

Maze Explorer game

For Arduino Game Console

Bluetooth audio receiver

The C7THN50004 chip self-designated WIN-668

Non-synchronous Buck Converter

Efficiency evaluation

Arduino NiMH Battery Discharger

Preventing the Memory Effect

Smart NiMH Battery Charger

Arduino DIY at its best

Dual NiMH Battery Smart Charger

Part 2 - The build

Dual NiMH Battery Smart Charger

Part 5 - Limitations

Dual NiMH Battery Smart Charger

Part 3 - The Arduino code

Dual NiMH Battery Smart Charger

Part 4 - Reducing the overcharge

Speaker impedance measurement

A Python & Arduino gadget

Dual NiMH Battery Smart Charger

A Web based interface

UV Exposure Box

DIY PCB manufacturing

UV Exposure Box

Part 3 - Building it

UV-Box 400

Part 4 - The Arduino compartment

Bass-Reflex phase corrector

IIR 2nd order digital filter

Classix II

A Paul Carmody design

UV Exposure Box

Part 2 - The high voltage electric circuit

Classix II - 2 way bookshelf speakers

Featuring: Dayton DC160-8 and Vifa BC25TG15-04

UV-Box 400

Part 5 - The Arduino circuit and sketch

Baffle step correction

A Hail Mary attempt on my Classix II bass issue


Driving DC motors both ways

DIY PCB fabrication

Negative acting photosensitive UV curable film

STM32 Oscilloscope

2.57 Msps with FFT spectrum scope and SD card export

STM32 Oscilloscope with FFT and SD export

The Arduino code

Decoding 433 MHz Remote Control Signals

Some tech, more DIY

Replicating 433 MHz Remote Control Signals

A real world DIY application

Cloning MPS-TF2E Remote Controls

A widget for DIY code word generation

STM32F030K6T6 dev board

an underestimated MCU

Merry Christmas!

Guess contest

Bench-top power supply

Informed choice

DIY linear bench power supply

Part 1 - sourcing heavy parts

DIY linear bench power supply

Part 2 - series regulator circuit

An unexpected Christmas present

from another age

Restoration of an HP 6289A

Disassembly and investigations

Restoration of an HP 6289A

Troubleshooting and repair

Restoration of an HP 6289A

Sifting through 50 years of dust

From Gosund to Tasmota in 45 minutes

A jail-break story

Restoration of an HP 6289A

Cleanup and reassembly

Technics SL-P200

Last of its name

Classix II clearcoat revival

Pun intended

PCM56 audio player

An ESP8266 application

DIY Bookshelf Speakers

Loudspeaker design 101

Technics ST-S707

80s top-shelf tuner

PCM56 audio player

ESP32 evolution

ESP32 PCM56 player

An ST-S505 integration

Technics SU-VX920

high-end amp of early 90s

Technics SU-VX920 repair

current drive fix

Technics SU-VX920 repair - part 2

headphones relay adaptation

Technics SU-VX920 repair - 3rd part

left channel noise